Kazin Tal-Karmnu Zurrieq - Noel Ghigo Barman

Kazin tal-Karmnu Zurrieq opens on Mondays to Sundays from 7:30am onwards and a number of appetizers would be served during the day.

Kazin Tal-Karmnu Zurrieq - Noel Ghigo Barman contact


address: Misraħ ir-Repubblika, Malta, ZRQ1010 Iz-Zurrieq

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Festa Warmup #1MonthToGo organizzat mis-Sezzjoni Żgħażagħ Karmelitani.

Ingħaqdu magħna illum mill-10.00am il-quddiem gewwa l-#KazinTalKarmnu biex inkomplu nidħlu fl-ispirtu tal-festa li tkun xahar biss il-bogħod.

Inkantaw ukoll għall-ewwel darba bil-kliem il-marċ...

Kazin Tal-Karmnu Zurrieq - Noel Ghigo Barman, 2016.06.26.


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