Lounge 1924

Lounge 1924 - New concept @ PL Paola. (1924) the year of our Club foundation.

Lounge 1924 contact


address: 6-7, Pjazza Antoine De Paule, Paola, Paola, South Eastern Region, Malta

Lounge 1924 opening hours

  • Monday always open
  • Tuesday always open
  • Wednesday always open
  • Thursday always open
  • Friday always open
  • Saturday always open
  • Sunday always open open

Lounge 1924 ratings

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Lounge 1924 facebook posts

Narawkom illejla ghall-ahhar ftit sieghat li baqa tal-festa 2021. Filwaqt li nirringrazzjaw lil kull minn gie jzurna matul din il-gimgha. V.K.R

Lounge 1924, 2021.07.25.

Il-Barman u l-istaff
ta' Lounge 1924
jawguraw il-festa t-tajba lill-Pawlisti kollha.

Lounge 1924, 2021.07.17.

belgha te tajba min ghand Pauline. I ikla genwina minghand ohta Graziella

Lounge 1924, 2020.10.07.


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