Root 81 goes 'White under the Stars' 🥂✨ Wednesday 4th August 2021
To celebrate summer 2021, in collaboration with Enba Wines, Root 81 welcomes you to a 5 course dinner prepared by Chef Patron Robert Cassar and his passionate team. Wines selected for the evening are produced from...
Root 81
Mediterranean Restaurant
Root 81 - As nature teaches us, good food starts from its root...
Root 81 contact
Root 81 opening hours
- Monday 18:00 - 22:30
- Tuesday 18:00 - 22:30
- Wednesday 12:00 - 14:30, 18:00 - 22:30
- Thursday 12:00 - 14:30, 18:00 - 22:30
- Friday 12:00 - 14:30, 18:00 - 22:30
- Saturday 12:00 - 14:30, 18:00 - 22:30
- Sunday close
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mid price
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Nixtiequ nilqgħu fil-familja ta' Rabat Ajax lil Root 81. Dan ir-ristorant huwa wieħed mill-isponsors li se jkun qed jgħin lit-tim Rabti matul dan l-istaġun. Napprezzaw immens il-kontribut tiegħek. Inħeġġu lis-sapporters kollha sabiex jagħmlu użu mis-servizzi tal-isponsors tagħna.
Root 81 aġġornaw l-informazzjoni tagħhom fit-taqsima dwarna.