Wasabi sushi take away aġġornaw il-ħinijiet tax-xogħol tagħhom.
Wasabi sushi take away
Wasabi sushi take away contact
Wasabi sushi take away opening hours
- Monday 12:30 - 22:00
- Tuesday 12:30 - 22:00
- Wednesday 12:30 - 22:00
- Thursday 12:30 - 22:00
- Friday 12:30 - 22:00
- Saturday 12:30 - 22:00
- Sunday 12:30 - 22:00
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Ritratti mill-post ta' Wasabi sushi take away
We would like to inform our esteemed clients that wasabi sushi and Chinese restaurant only Take away, Special Offer 10% off ( from up €10)for order Pick up ( during COVID-19) from 5/3/21
Our contact number is 99194846 ,...
Ritratti mill-post ta' Wasabi sushi take away
We would like to inform our esteemed clients that wasabi sushi and Chinese restaurant only Take away, Special Offer 10% off ( from up €10)for order Pick up ( during COVID-19) from 5/3/21
Our contact number is 99194846 ,...